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Updated: Sep 28, 2019

It’s been a while since I last picked up my computer to type out a post, but here I am. Over the past few months, I’ve often come back to the same question of God’s presence.  I know he is with me wherever I go, but what about everyone else? What about the child halfway around the world praying for food?  What about the 15 year old girl struggling with an eating disorder? What about the man working hard to honestly provide for his family?

In all my questioning, I have to keep reminding myself that God is global.  He is not stuck inside the walls of my home, the borders of my country, or even this world.  He simply is. He is, He always was, and He always will be.

It’s beyond my understanding, but doesn’t that make Him who He is? We can’t know the depth of the Lord’s power and presence, but man what a view it is when He gives us a glimpse.  As I’ve been thinking and questioning (sadly with a hint of unbelief), He has so graciously shown me a glimpse of Himself.

In traveling abroad, I saw pieces of history telling of His presence even thousands of years before that moment, and I felt His presence walking down streets thousands of miles from my home.

In the past month, I’ve seen support and encouragement and joy for what the Lord is doing in my life and the lives of people around me.

In the past week, I have seen the love of Christ pouring out of so many people simultaneously, and I’ve seen comfort and strength provided in away that no mere human can provide.

So now, while I have not mastered the art of trust completely, I am certain of this:

Our God is ever-present.

In every moment, in every place, in every life, God is there.

To the one fighting for their life, God is there (and fighting for you).

To the one who is tired and worn, God is there (and offers you rest).

To the one who grieves, God is there (and His comfort surpasses all others).

To the one who feels unworthy, God is there (and He wants you).

To the one who woke up this morning, God is there (and gives you purpose).

To the one who has lost all strength, God is there (and provides all the strength you need).

To the one who doesn’t feel beautiful, God is there (and has made you in His image).

To the one who is trusting Him, He is there (and makes no mistake).

To the one who feels unlovable, God is there (and loves without condition).

To the one who is standing in a mountaintop moment, God is there (and brought you up that mountain).

To the one who struggles with addiction, God is there (and ready to provide healing).

To the one searching for answers, God is there (and has the answer to every question).

He is there. He is always there.

“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.” – Psalm 139: 7-10


Psalm 46:1 ~ Exodus 33:14 ~ John 17:26 ~ Psalm 142:3 ~ 1 John 4:4 ~ Deuteronomy 31:6 ~ Isaiah 41:10 ~ John 14:15-21 ~ Psalm 23:4 ~ Psalm 139


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