What is the focus of your life right now? Your job, your family, your relationships? Recently, the concept of “focus” has stayed in the back of my mind. What is it that I spend my time thinking about? What, or who, do I let guide my thoughts and actions?
What is the focus of my life?
I would love that answer to be Jesus… but so often that’s not the case.
What do I spend my time thinking about? worries. What do I often let guide my steps? fear. Time and time again, my focus falls back to the uncertainties in my life. Where am I going? What am I supposed to do with my life? Am I going in the right direction? Am I taking the right steps? I think this is something a lot of people my age struggle with, so here are my thoughts:
I know my life is in the hands of the God who is bigger than my seemingly endless list of questions about my future. I know where I stand in my relationship with my Creator, but I have trouble keeping my heart and mind focused on that. In fact, that’s why I so often write about my faith.
I write about Jesus because I know that I need Jesus. I write about the unconditional love of God, the unending grace found at the foot of the cross, the perfectness of God’s plan for each and every life on this earth because this is how I refocus (while hopefully helping someone else do the same). This is how I remind myself that God is good and faithful and sovereign.
I’m not perfect, but I’m pursuing the One who is.
The beauty of following God is not that it makes us the perfect person (in this life), but that it gives us a reason to shake off our mistakes and try again. I have found nothing more amazing than the moment I come to Jesus and find his grace. When my focus shifts to the things of this broken and fear-filled world, all it takes is one look back to Him and I’m right where I need to be. In that moment my worries fall and my problems shrink, but my faith grows deeper.
…let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith… -Hebrews 12:1-2
If you’re like me, you will fail each and every day. Know that when you fail, all you have to do is look back to Jesus. Find some way to remind yourself to look up and refocus your mind and your heart to think of only Jesus. Watch as he helps you up, dusts off your mistake, and reveals a new depth of his love. Refocus, and keep running towards him.