It seems as if lately God has been calling me to remember Him…and it’s sad how often I really do need the reminder he places on my heart. I think this forgetfulness is something a lot of us struggle with, and so I share the reminders I have needed over the years with the hope that anyone willing to read finds the reminder they might need tonight:
“Remember my love.” Romans 8: 38-39, 1 John 4:9-10 God’s love exists without condition, without exception, and without end.
“Remember my grace.” Romans 3:23-24, John 1:16 We make mistakes, but God (thankfully) welcomes us home with open arms time and time again.
“Remember me before you stumble.” Psalm 37:24 He may catch you, or He may use that to raise you higher than before. Either way, He is good.
“Remember my presence.” Acts 17:27-28, Psalm 23:4 Even when He seems distant, He is closer than you know. Our King is ever-present.
“Remember my pursuit of your heart.” Psalm 23:5-6 God wants your whole heart, brokenness and all. He wants you.
“Remember my promises and hold tight to them.” Hebrews 10:23 In the mountain-top moments and the deepest valleys.
“Remember my wisdom.” James 1:5 Seek Him. For guidance, for clarity, for all things.
“Remember my plan.” Proverbs 16:9, Jeremiah 29:11 His plan for your life is good and pleasing and perfect, and it has been designed for you and you alone.
“Remember my sovereignty.” Colossians 1:15-17, Psalm 33:6-9 When life gets messy (and it will), God is in control.
“Remember my goodness.” James 1:17, Psalm 119:68 There is no good thing apart from Jesus, and in Him goodness can be found in every situation.
“Remember my sacrifice.” Romans 8:1-4 Jesus left a perfect home to come humbly into a broken and hopeless world to pay the debt of our sin and make us children of God and co-heirs with Christ.
“Remember my strength.” Philippians 4:13, Isaiah 40:29-31 When you are weak, He is strong. When you are strong, He is stronger still.
“Remember that I am for you.” Psalm 16:8, Psalm 68:19 Every step you take, He takes with you. Cheering you on, lifting you up, carrying you through every day and watching over you every night.
“Remember my peace.” John 14:27 A peace that is available in all moments and all seasons of life that cannot be taken from you by this world.
“Remember me…” Isaiah 48:12 He is the Almighty God. The great I Am. He is unchanging, never-failing, ever-present, and so much more.